Cell-free Introduction Days: SYNSENSO DCs meet in Darmstadt
From March 20-23, 2023 the SYNSENSO consortium gathered for the SYNSENSO cell-free Introduction Days hosted by TU Darmstadt. The four-day meeting was held alongside the International Synthetic Biology Workshop, organised by The Centre for Synthetic Biology (TUDa). Besides various interesting lectures from renowned experts within the field of synthetic biology, the meeting offered one special opportunity: finally meeting in person!
The meeting was kicked off by an introductory session hosted by SYNSENSO project coordinator Prof. Heinz Koeppl (TUDa), opening the floor to all onboarded SYNSENSO DCs to present their projects, facilitating the first in-person exchange on the SYNSENSO workplan and objectives. The following days, all present DCs and PIs had the chance of participating in the International Synthetic Biology Workshop, which included thematic talks by external speakers as well as poster sessions. During the last day of the meeting, the DCs accomplished a workshop on time management for their PhDs, and were given an overview of the SYNSENSO outreach activities. In parallel, the management board held its first session to organise upcoming meetings and deliverables.
While four of the 12 SYNSENSO DCs joined the meeting sessions online, the meeting was a great opportunity to finally meet in-person, and facilitate crucial exchange among the SYNSENSO network – scientifically, and beyond. We’re looking forward to meeting all of the consortium again at the first annual SYNSENSO meeting in September. Stay tuned!
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